• Text on Tap

    Online meeting (Zoom, Webex, Teams, Meet/Hangout, …)

  • Text on Tap

    Online service (via YouTube, Facebook, …)

Text on Tap...

Live subtitles meets live events.

What is Text on Tap?

Text on Tap is the streaming platform of Text on Top. A captioner can stream the text over the Internet using a unique event ID-key. People can use this website text-on-tap.live to read along.

Additionally, with the Text on Tap Overlay application it is possible to present the text as true captions on your screen. This avoids the screen-share feature (of Teams, Zoom, …) is used to show the text. So the screen-share remains available for sharing your screen/presentation with others, but now including captions!

It is also possible to provide real-time translations. The captioner simply switch on these desired target languages.

Text on Tap has much more to offer. For more information, please check out text-on-tap.live